Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Sun Also Rises (Chapters 18 & 19)

Chapters 18 & 19 Summaries

Then Robert leaves Pamplona and Brett meets everyone else at a cafe. She tells them that Romero looks quite bad after his beating from the bull, but that he plans to get back into bullfighting right away. Mike then remarks that Brett has cheated on him with a Robert who is a Jew and Romero who is a bullfighter. He remarks that both of them have turned away from her and now she is left with neither of them. Brett then draws Jake away from the cafe as Mike overturns the table, dumping beer and food all over the floor. Brett asks Jake if he will take her to a church because she wants to pray for Romero, but she becomes nervous and wants to leave not long after they enter. They both return to the hotel and Montoya bows to Jake and Brett, but does not smile. Brett retires to Romero's room, and Jake checks on Mike. Mike is laying on his bed totally drunk and miserable. Bill and Jake eat lunch before they meet Brett for the last bullfight of the fiesta. When Jake, Bill, and Brett all arrive at the arena, Romero sends his cape to Brett for her to hold during the fights. Belmonte, one of the three bullfighters, has come out of retirement to fight. His reputation for working dangerously close to the bull is legendary. The crowd thus expects more from him than he could ever achieve, even at the height of his career. However, they love Romero's calm, smooth style and natural talent. Romero faces the bull that killed the man running in the street that morning. He leads the bull with a grace that appeals to the crowd. After he kills the bull, its notched ear is cut off. He brings the ear over to Brett and tells her that it is hers to keep. Jake and Bill drink in a cafe afterward. Jake is depressed, so Bill urges him to drink three shots in a row. He finds Mike sitting in his hotel room in the process of getting drunk. Then Bill finds out that Brett has just left Pamplona on a train with Romero. He tells Jake and Mike the news and Mike increases his amounts of drinks he was having, until he passes out cold. Then chapter 19 begins the next day in Pamplona and there last day. Mike, Bill, and Jake share a car ride together to Bayonne. They get drunk again and drive to Saint Jean de Luz to drop Mike off. Jake says goodbye to Bill at the train station in Bayonne and tells him that they will have to get together sometime soon. Jake spends time making friends in Bayonne by tipping people generously. He takes a morning train to San Sebastian for a few days of relaxation. Not long after his arrival, however, he receives two telegrams, one forwarded from Paris and one forwarded from Pamplona. Both are from Brett. She wants him to come to the Hotel Montana in Madrid because she is in major trouble and she needs his help. He immediately makes arrangements to leave San Sebastian and meet her. When Jake arrives in Madrid, Brett greets him with a kiss. Jake shocked that she was alone and even more shocked that she had kissed him. She told him that she has sent Romero away. She said that she had to send for Jake to come to Madrid because she was not sure if she could make Romero leave, and she did not have money to get away. Romero offered her money, but she would not take it. Jake told her that he was ashamed of her at first and wanted her to grow up and act like a women. Then she told him that Romero wanted to marry her so that she would never leave him. But she forced Romero to leave because she did not want to ruin him. She adds that she wants to go back to Mike. She and Jake go to a bar and have three martinis each before having lunch in a nice restaurant, where Jake drinks three bottles of wine. He then orders two more bottles of wine and downs a couple of glasses. Brett asks Jake not to get drunk and assures him that he will be fine. Though when he had said that, she could tell that he was already drunk. Then they got a taxi to drive around town. Jake puts his arm around her, and Brett tells him that she and him had have such great times together and have stuck together all the way from the beginning of there friendship. Jake agrees with her and tells her that she is absolutely right.

Chapters 18 & 19 Personal Comments

I felt that these to chapters could have been a lot better. I think that they were good, but I just wished that the end of the book would have been better then what it was. I think that chapter 18 had a lot of distrust between characters and friendships were being broken. Though I really do like how the book was ended with how ironic Jake would go back to Brett and she would draw him in and then tell him that she was interested in someone else. I believe that this book that I had to read was a very confusing and difficult book to read, but when I had gotten through the difficulty parts, I enjoyed reading the rest. Chapters 18 & 19 as an overview, were a great finish of a great novel.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Sun Also Rises (Chapters 16 & 17)

Chapters 16 & 17 Summaries

Chapter 16 begins the next day after Jake and Brett went out to a bar. The chapter begins with a very rainy and foggy dull morning. Montoya the owner of the hotel, tells Jake that there is a message from that American ambassador inviting Pedro Romero to dine at the Grand Hotel. Montoya tells Jake that he fears that foreigners will corrupt Romero. Jake tells Montoya that he feels the same way and advises him not to deliver the message. He also tells him that Brett is one American women who "collects bullfighters". Montoya tells him thank you and that his friends are waiting for them in the dining room. Romero is there as well, eating dinner with a critic. Jake approaches Romero and discuss bullfighting with him. Romero is modest but extremely passionate about his work. Brett pesters Jake to introduce their group to Romero, and he agrees to do so. Everyone is quite drunk now and Mike tells Romero that bulls don't have any balls. Though Brett getting angry at Mike because of what he had said, strikes up a private conversation with the young bullfighter Romero. When Montoya enters the dining room, he sees Romero drinking cognac and talking to Brett. He does not even acknowledge Jake's presence. After Romero leaves, Mike begins to insult Robert again viciously, shouting at him to go away. Jake trying very hard to prevent a fight between Robert and Mike, pulls Mike away from the table. The next day arrives and hundreds of American tourists arrive in Pamplona for the final day of the fiesta. Bill and Mike leave together to bother the Americans. Robert stays behind to try and talk to Brett alone, but Brett tells him to get lost because she wants to be alone with Jake. She complains to Jake about Mike's behavior and Robert following her around. Jake tries to defend Mike, but she asks him not to make her feel guilty. They go for a walk together, and Brett asks Jake if he still loves her. After telling her that he still does love her, she confesses to him that she is crazy for Romero. Jake being a nice guy to her, agrees to find Romero with her. They go to a cafe where Romero is seated with other bullfighters and fight critics. When Romero comes to their table, Jake invites him to sit down. Romero knows there is a mutual attraction between him and Brett. She reads his palm, and they begin to talk about bullfighting, with Jake translating. Romero says that the bulls are his best friends, and that he always kills his best friends, so they do not have to kill him. Jake then realizes that Romero and Brett wants to talk in private together. So Jake decides that he will leave. Romero's bullfighting friends stare at Jake with disapproval as he leaves. When Jake returns to the cafe, he cannot find Brett nor Romero. The both of them are gone and are nowhere insight. Chapter 17 begins with Bill, Mike, Robert, and Jake all going to a cafe together. Robert then demands to know where Brett is and Mike tells him that she had ran off with Romero. Furious, Robert calls Jake a pimp. Jake then very angry at him, takes a swing at Robert, and a fistfight ensues. Robert shows his athletic prowess, knocking Mike to the ground and Jake out cold. When Jake comes to, he returns to the hotel. Bill then tells him that Robert wants to talk to him. Jake finds Robert lying face down on the bed in tears. He begs Jake to forgive him, but Jake refuses. Robert says that Jake is the only friend he has, and Jake finally gives in. Jake tells him that he forgives him and that he is also sorry for what he had done also. On the next morning, Jake finds that Bill and Mike have already gone to the stadium. When Jake arrives, he finds that a man is killed during the release of the bulls, he is gored in the back. Jake goes to a cafe, after being sick from the fight, where he talks to a waiter about the dead man. The waiter does not see the sense in bullfighting. A man died. Jake goes back to bed early, but Bill and Mike knock on the door waking him up. Jake learns that Robert found Brett and Romero together. Robert had apparently hit Romero over and over, but Romero kept getting up and attacking. Finally, Robert said he would not hit Romero again, and Romero hit him as hard as he could before collapsing. Robert tearfully begged Romero to shake hands, but when he offered his hand, Romero hit him again. Later, Mike told Brett how he felt about her affairs with Jews and bullfighters. She told him that the British aristocracy has made her miserable and she needs something new and different. Mike very angry, walked away from Brett not saying anything to her for the rest of the night. As Bill left, Jake asks if he has heard about the man that was killed and Bill replies that he has not heard a word about it.

Chapters 16 & 17 Personal Comments

I felt that the book has been great to read and that these two chapters had made it even better. I think that in chapter 17 the climax was reached, when Robert hits Jake out cold. I believe that in chapter 16, Brett has no respect for one man. She makes them heartbroken and watches them suffer. I think that Romero was a nice guy and that he did not know that Brett was such a bad women. In chapter 17 I feel that it was a fast read and that I was able to understand everything that was explained about what had progressively happened throughout the book. I loved reading these two chapters I think that they made the book become a better book to read. I feel that Hemingway had put a lot of emotion in the novel and I think that it can show through the characters. By far chapters 16 & 17 were amazing to read and two of my favorite to read.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Sun Also Rises(Chapters 14 & 15)

Chapters 14 & 15 Summaries

Chapter 14 starts with Jake, Brett, Mike, Robert, and Bill all returning to their rooms that night when they watched the bullfight and got drunk afterward. When Jake returns to his room very drunk, he hears Brett and Mike laughing as they go to bed. When Jake lied down in bed, Jake reflects that women make such great friends because a man has to be in love with a woman to be friends with her. He felt that he is a great friend with Brett, starting with the first time they met in the club to now in Spain together. He also feels that Mike was never first a friend with Brett. Jack feels as if he has been getting something for nothing in his friendship with Brett, but that eventually he will have to suffer for the friendship. He decides that people have to pay for everything that is good in life. He concludes that he must cherish everything because time passes so quickly. However, he also thinks that in five years this philosophy will seem as silly and useless as all the other philosophies he has constructed over his many periods of his life. He struggles too with the question of morality. Though he wishes Mike would not insult Robert because it just causes fights, he admits to himself that he enjoys watching Mike do it. The next few days of being in Spain were very quiet because people had to prepare for the major upcoming fiesta. Chapter 15 begins the fiesta that Jake and all of his friends have been waiting for. The fiesta starts with the fireworks exploding at noon . Children, men, and women all fill the streets of Spain celebrating the fiesta. Jake wakes that morning hearing musicians playing and cannot believe that the seven day fiesta has begun. As Jake notes that it seems to everyone as though nothing could have any consequences during this amazing fiesta, but by the end of the fiesta, even money loses its value for those spending it. The crowd pulls Jake and his friends into a dancing circle around Brett. Afterward, they rush into a crowded wine shop. Everyone inside the store is dancing and singing. Brett, wearing a wreath of garlic around her neck, learns to drink from a wineskin like Bill and Jake had learned to. Everyone shared foods and wine during the fiesta because no one cared. Jake then went out to buy two cases of wine. When he returns, he finds that Robert is missing. At first he did not bother looking for him because he did not think that he was really gone because there were so many people he could have just been lost. Though when Jake asks his friends if they had seen Robert, none of them respond because none of them cares where Robert is. Though Jake nervous and scared goes out looking for him. After a long and hard look, he finds Robert passed out in the back of the shop. Jake wakes him up and tells him that they are going to go out to dinner. So Brett, Jake, Robert, Bill, and Mike all eat a large dinner that night and everyone but Jake stays up all night partying. Then the next morning, and exploding rocket, announces the release of the bulls. Jake immediately wakes up, excited to see the bullfight. He runs over to the balcony and Jake watches the crowd run with the bulls toward the bullring. During the first bullfight, Mike, Robert, and Brett sit high up in the theatre, but Bill and Jake wanting to see the action, go up close to the front. Robert then claims that he worries only about being bored. Bill again complains to Jake about Robert's Jewish personality and feeling of being superior. Montoya (The hotel manager that knows Jake) introduces Jake to a promising new bullfighter, Pedro Romero. Romero is nineteen years old and the most handsome guy Jake has ever seen. When the bullfight begins, Romero dazzles everyone who watches him. Brett, one that is most especially dazzled by Romero's skill. Brett so intrigued moved down to be were Jake was at. Romero tired the bull down quickly and then went in for the kill. Jake said to Mike and Brett that he was the best bullfighter he had every seen before. After the fight Mike jokes that Brett is falling in love with Romero and he asks Jake to tell her that bullfighters beat their mothers, so she will not be attracted to him. The following day Romero does not fight, and their was no bullfight scheduled the day after that. Jake and Brett both disappointed to see Romero preform go and get a drink together.

Chapters 14 & 15 Personal Comments

I think that chapter 14 was a good chapter and very easy to read. I think that it showed how much Jake knows about bullfighting and how he goes every year to see them occur. I think chapter 15 is the most important chapter of the book so far. I think that the fiesta is what Jake and all of his friends have been waiting for and now that it is here they all go off and do there own thing. I thought that these chapters were both very easy to read and fast to read. I thought that chapter 14 was good, but I loved chapter 15. I thought that it was excellent and that I learned things that I did not know about bullfighting. I think that Mike, Bill, Robert all seemed sexist because since Brett was a girl she has to close her eyes when the fighter is attacked. Though overall I loved the chapters and I think that the book is going to continue to get better and better.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Sun Also Rises(Chapters 12 & 13)

Chapters 12 & 13 Summaries

Chapter 12 opens with Jake waking up early in the hotel. He gets dressed, and decides to go outside. He goes for a walk when he sees a stream. He starts to dig for worms in the dirt, but instead of finding worms he finds 2 tobacco tins that are both full. Jake takes the tins and empties the tobacco and fills the tins with worms for there fishing trip. When he got back up to his room, Bill begins to joke with him about irony and pity. He tells Jake to only say things that are ironic and pitiful to him. Jake tired of Bills games, tells him he does not want to talk right now. Bill says that Jake doesn't know about how popular talking to someone in ironic or pitiful ways is. Jake now getting very irritated by Bill says that he does not care. Bill then teases Jake, calling him an expatriate. Jake now wondering where Bill is going with all of this, asks Bill what an expatriate is. Bill tells him that expatriates are drunks who are obsessed with sex and who write nothing worth publishing. Bill also tells Jake that some people think women support Jake while others think that he is impotent. Jake then got very angry and told Bill that he is not impotent that he had a accident during the war. After a moment of silence, they traded many jokes about another man who had the same accident as Jake, but he had gotten from riding a horse. Then after having a great laugh together, Bill then tells Jake that he is very fond of him and that he is fonder of Jake than anyone else on earth. After their deep conversations, Bill and Jake both pack a lunch and bottle of wine, and head to the river. They walk through beautiful meadows, fields, and woods, and, after a long hike, arrive at the river that they want to fish at. They place the wine in a spring up the road in order to keep it cold. Jake fishes with the worms that he had found, but Bill tries fly-fishing. They both catch many fish, but Bill's fish are much bigger. Over their lunch, they joke about the friends they met in the war. Bill then asks Jake if he was ever in love with Brett, and Jake tells him that he was in love with Brett for a long time, but that was ages ago. They spend five days in Burguete, fishing, eating, drinking, and playing cards. They get no word from Robert, Brett, or Mike. Though at the beginning of chapter 13 Jake receives a letter from Mike telling him that Brett had fainted on the train and that they stayed in San Sebastian for three days and won't arrive in Pamplona until Wednesday. Robert also sends Jake a telegram announcing that he will arrive on Thursday. Bill and Jake then reply to Robert's telegram, stating that they are going to return to Pamplona that night (Wednesday), so he does not have to bother going to Burguete to see them. Then right before Jake and Bill decide to leave Burguete they go and visit a dear war friend of both of theirs named Harris. They go out and get drinks together and have many laughs and memories of the old times together. Jake offers Harris to come along with them, but Harris denies the offer. When Jake and Bill arrive in Pamplona the next day, the owner of the inn informers them that Mike and Brett both have arrived. Jake and Bill then go and find Brett, Mike, and Robert in a cafe nearby. After seeing each other again, they head toward the fiesta together to watch the amazing bullfighting occur. Bill, Robert, Mike, and Brett all watch the unloading of the bulls and asks Jake what the purpose is of bullfighting. Jake explains that the shining muscular beasts charge out of the cages toward the bullfighter. The bullfighter then works at calming the bull down so that they do not kill one another. The bullfighters Jake explains are often gored in the process. When the first bullfight goes off, Jake tells Brett not to look, but being so fascinated by it, she watches anyway. Afterward, they went to a cafe and got drunk. Mike makes a few cutting remarks about Robert following Brett around like a bullfighter does with the bull, referring to the fact that Robert went to San Sebastian after Bill and Jake left Pamplona. Mike berates Robert for not knowing when he isn't wanted. Bill leads Robert away from Mike so things would calm down. Mike remarks that Brett has had affairs before, but not with Jews or with men who kept hanging around on her.

Chapters 12 & 13 Personal Comments

I feel that chapters 12 & 13 were a lot better than chapters 10 & 11. I felt that they had way more detail and the book started to finally make sense to me. I actually loved chapter 13 because I felt that all of the major characters were together and let out the secrets that were inside of each one. I also feel that these chapters made me keep on reading and made the story juicy with information. I think that when Mike told Robert that he is like the bull chasing Brett who is the bullfighter, he was absolutely right. I also believe that Robert has no right to follow her around and like the bull hurting the fighter, Robert is going to hurt Brett by breaking her relationship with Mike. I fell that these two chapters were the best chapters in the book so far and that they made me like the book a lot more than I already did.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Sun Also Rises(Chapters 10 & 11)

Chapters 10 & 11 Summaries

Chapter 10 starts with Bill, Robert, and Jake all at the train station together. After meeting Robert and catching up, Jake calls for a car to bring the three of them to Pamplona. While being in the car together Robert is very nervous. He hopes that Jake does not know about Brett and him flying to San Sebastian together. Though Jake does know and hopes that Robert will say something about it because it has been bugging him for quite sometime. After a long and painful car ride, Jake, Bill, and Robert all go out to have a drink before Brett and Mike arrive. When there in the bar, Jake starts a conversation about how he does not believe Brett and Mike will arrive later that night. Robert of course disagreeing with Jake, tells him that they should be all arriving on time. Bill and Jake both get very irritated with Robert and Robert can tell that they are. So Robert gets very angry and he foolishly wagers a hundred pesetas that they will arrive on time. Jake not refusing his offer, takes the wager in excitement. Bill then tells Jake that he can't stand it when Robert thinks he is superior and so called becomes "Jewish”. Then after being irritated with Bill and Robert, Jake picks up his bullfighting tickets, and leaves the bar. After walking around for a hour or two, Jake stops at a cathedral to pray, but he finds his mind wandering to much. After trying and trying to pray, Jake heads back and meets Robert and Bill. After finding them, Jake goes with Robert to the train station to meet Mike and Brett. However, Mike and Brett are not on the train, so Jake and Robert return to the hotel. Right when Jake and Robert get to the hotel, Jake receives a telegram from Brett and Mike telling him that they have stopped in San Sebastian because Brett is very sick and cannot continue on their trip. After reading the telegram, Jake felt proud because he was right and Robert was wrong. Though having the evidence, Jake does not hand it over because he wants to annoy Robert. Though he does tell Robert that they sent a telegram to him saying that they are still on there way. Robert feeling proud, turns down the suggestion of Jake's, asking if he wanted to go fishing in a small town called Burguete instead of waiting for Brett and Mike. Jake asks why he does not want to go and Robert tells him that he will wait for Brett and Mike to arrive. Then right before Jake and Bill were about to leave, Robert admits to Jake that he wrote to Brett suggesting to meet together in San Sebastian. Leaving the hotel furiously, Bill tells Jake that Robert had confided in him about his one on one date with Brett. Bill also tells Jake that he thinks that Robert is nice, but is so mean and vain to people that he is very close to. Then in chapter 11, Bill and Jake board a crowded bus to ride to the small town of Burguete. The bus is filled with Basque peasants, people who inhabit a region shared by France and Spain in the Pyrenees Mountains. The Basques were drinking wine from wineskins on the bus. They offer their skins to Bill and Jake, who in turn share their bottles of wine with eachother. While riding the bus, Jake looks out the window and he notices that the Spanish countryside is very beautiful, and it is cool to see everything on the top of the bus where Bill and Jake were sitting. After seeing that Jake and Bill did not know how to drink the wine, the Basques teach them the proper way to drink from a wine-bag. After they learn how to drink out of the bag, the bus stops. Bill and Jake loved how much fun they had on the bus with the Basque peasants, so they buy some more drinks from them. After having two drinks already, some of the Basque passengers buy them more drinks. Once the bus starts again, an English-speaking Basque engages with Bill and Jake in a friendly conversation. Once they arrive in Burguete, Bill and Jake decide to find a hotel first. When they find one near by the fat innkeeper charges them a high price for their room because it is “the big season.” It turns out that Bill and Jake are the only people in the hotel. When they learn that the wine is included in there stay at the hotel, they drink several bottles. After only a couple more drinks, Jake decides to go to bed.

Chapters 10 & 11 Personal Comments

Chapters 10 & 11 I feel were very dull and boring to read. I think that they were not detailed enough and were very confusing to understand. I thought that the characters would go and do something together and then all of a sudden they would go and do something totally different. I did not understand most of the pages in these chapters and I had to re-read a lot of the pages because they jumped from one topic to another. I thought that adding the character Bill was not a great idea of Hemingway's because I think that he was just used to support Jake and make Jake look like the better person than Robert. I believe that Bill was not that important and he could have been cut from the novel. Overall I did not enjoy reading these two chapters and I feel that they could have been a lot better and more detailed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Sun Also Rises (Chapters 8 & 9)

Chapters 8 & 9 Summaries

Opening chapter 8, Jake did not hear from nor see Brett or Robert for a very long period of time, though he did receive a brief card from Brett, who was on vacation in San Sebastian. Jake also received a note from Robert reporting that he has left Paris for the countryside. He also found out that Frances has left for England. Though when he thought that all of his friends had left him, Jake's friend Bill Gorton, an American veteran, arrived from the United States. Jake goes and visits his good friend and they both decide that they should make a trip to Spain in order to fish and to attend the fiesta at Pamplona. Bill visits Jake before leaving to visit Budapest and Vienna, but on his return he tells Jake that he was too drunk to remember very much of his four days in Vienna. When Jake and Bill go out to lunch together they see Brett get out of a cab. Jake shocked that she has returned from San Sebastian, he points to Brett and tells Bill all about her and how he knows her. Jake went up to Brett and he said hello and asked her how her trip was. She told him that it was very long and she is very happy to be home again. Jake asks if she wanted to go get drinks with himself and Bill. She agrees to get drinks, but she eventually had to leave to meet Mike. Jake and Bill stay and have another drink. After their drink together Jake decided that they should go out to dinner. They go to a restaurant that is packed with many American tourists. Later, they meet Brett and Mike at a cafe. Mike is drunk and continually mentions how beautiful Brett is. After about an hour, Mike wants to return to their hotel. Jake and Bill decide to attend a boxing match as an excuse to leave the two of them alone. Chapter 9 opens the next morning, when Jake receives a wire from Robert asking to meet Bill and Jake when they decide to go fishing in Spain. Jake makes the arrangements with Robert and Bill. That evening Jake finds Brett and Mike at a bar together. The two of them ask if they may join him in Spain as well. Jake politely responses that they may join him on the trip to Spain. Then when Mike leaves to go and get a haircut, Brett asks if Robert will be going to Spain as well. When Jake tells her that he is going on the trip also, she wonders if it will be too rough on Robert. Brett then questions if she and Mike should go on the trip now that she know Robert is going. Jake then confused at why it would be difficult on Robert if she goes on the trip. Then Brett reveals that she was with Robert in San Sebastian. Jake then yells at Brett exchanging words with her that led to her writing a letter to Robert letting him know that she is also attending the trip. To their surprise, when Robert receives Brett's note, he still wants to go, and now even more excited. Jake then makes plans to meet Mike and Brett in Pamplona. Bill and Jake board a train from Paris to Bayonne, where they plan to meet Robert at. When getting on the train, Jake notices that the train is overrun with people whom Jake identifies as Catholics. After a long and painful train ride, they arrive in Bayonne, where Robert is waiting excitingly at the station all alone.

Chapters 8 & 9 Personal Comments

In chapters 8 and 9, I feel that they skipped over very important parts of the book, that I would have personal put more detail in. I think that Jake should have ran into Brett a little bit less coincidental or ironic. Seeing that Jake was talking to Bill about Brett and then she showed up in a cab. I think that in chapter 8 it made Jake feel alone and that he had no friends that really cared for him. Though in chapter 9, I feel that Bill, Brett, Mike, and Robert all decide to go to Spain with him to use the opportunity to see each other and not to see Jake. I feel bad for Jake because he seems lonely and used. I felt that these two chapters rushed and skipped over a lot of good information. Overall I did like reading the chapters, but they were not my favorite of the book.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Sun Also Rises (Chapter 6 & 7)

Chapter 6 & 7 Summaries

Chapter 6 starts out with the evening when Jake and Robert had gotten into a verbally fight. Jake that whole day had thought about Brett and how much he just wanted to go see her and just talk to her. So later that evening Jake had went to meet Brett were the two of them had decided to meet that day, but she stood him up. After looking for her in a few places he could possible think she would be at, Jake wanders through the streets of Paris and runs into his very good friend Harvey Stone. Harvey is a compulsive gambler, but he denies that he has a problem. Harvey tells Jake that he is broke and that he has not eaten in a couple of days maybe even a week. So Jake of course feeling bad for his good friend Harvey, gives him some money. Then Jake and Harvey go for a walk together talking and catching up with each other. the two of them happen to come across Robert who is waiting to meet with Frances. Harvey then insults Robert, calling him a moron, before leaving to eat. Harvey and Robert start saying stuff about each other and just about when they are going to fight with each other Frances arrives. She asks to speak to Jake privately and tells him that Robert has refused to marry her and that she fears that no man will marry her now because she has lost all of her beauty. Jake does not comment on the action because he does not want to take a side with Frances over Robert or a side with Robert over Frances. So he tries to remain neutral, but Frances says that she will not receive alimony from her husband because she got divorced in the quickest way; adding to her woes. Frances then trying to remain bright and cheery she suggests that they rejoin Robert. When they return, Frances tells Jake that Robert has paid her two hundred pounds to go to England, but that she had to force it out of him. She also tells Jake in front of Robert that Robert won't marry her because he wants to tell people that he once had a wife. Robert does not reply and listens to what Frances has to say. Jake then excuses himself and leaves Robert and Frances alone to discuss their problems together. Then Chapter 7 begins with Jake returning home from his dinner with Frances and Robert. Right when he returns home, Brett and Count Mippipopolous show up at his doorstep. Jake opens the door and sees Brett and asks her why she had missed their appointment. She tells him that she had forgot about it because she was really drunk. Then Brett offers to send the Count away so they can be alone, but Jake tells her not to, but she can send him to go and get champagne for them.Jake then asks why they cannot live together, and she tells him that she would only make him unhappy by cheating on him all of the time. She then announces that she is going to leave Paris and go to San Sebastian, in Spain, because it will be better for the both of them if they are not together. Then after a long silent pause the Count returns with the champagne, and he begins to describe his philosophy of life. He tells Jake that he has been in seven wars and four revolutions and by doing so he has lived for a very long period of time. Because he has lived so long, he tells Jake that he is able to enjoy everything to the fullest. The Counts philosophy is that the secret to living is to get to know the right values. He tells Jake that he is always in love because his values include love. The three of them have a pleasant dinner before going out to a club. The count asks why Brett and Jake do not get married, and they tell him a fake story of why they should not. Brett then starts to feel miserable and wants to leave the club.So Jake accompanies Brett out of the club and all the way to her hotel. Jake asks her if he could go up to her room and take a peak of her place, but she does not want him to come up to her room. However, she lets him proceed to her room. When inside of the room, Jake kisses Brett several times before she pushes him away and tells him to leave.

Chapters 6 & 7 Personal Comments

Reading chapters 6 and 7 were very interesting to me because I thought that Hemingway went into a lot of detail. In chapter 6 I felt that Jake should not have went back to find Brett. She had hurt his heart once and I think that he is just waiting for her to break it. I also felt that Robert was very rude not to ask Frances to marry him because he does not want to travel with her. I also feel that Frances thinks that she can get whatever she likes and Robert for the first time did not give in. In Chapter 7 I felt that it was so rude that Brett ditches Jake for their evening appointment and then decides to act like nothing was wrong and show up at his house wanting to go out. I thought that Brett should not have led Jake on, bringing him all the way up to her hotel room and then not wanting to be with him. Overall I think that Brett is a flirt, Frances is spoiled, Robert is a jerk, and Jack is lonely. I enjoined these chapters and i believe that Hemingway does a great job of showing two sides of all his characters.