Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Sun Also Rises (Chapters 8 & 9)

Chapters 8 & 9 Summaries

Opening chapter 8, Jake did not hear from nor see Brett or Robert for a very long period of time, though he did receive a brief card from Brett, who was on vacation in San Sebastian. Jake also received a note from Robert reporting that he has left Paris for the countryside. He also found out that Frances has left for England. Though when he thought that all of his friends had left him, Jake's friend Bill Gorton, an American veteran, arrived from the United States. Jake goes and visits his good friend and they both decide that they should make a trip to Spain in order to fish and to attend the fiesta at Pamplona. Bill visits Jake before leaving to visit Budapest and Vienna, but on his return he tells Jake that he was too drunk to remember very much of his four days in Vienna. When Jake and Bill go out to lunch together they see Brett get out of a cab. Jake shocked that she has returned from San Sebastian, he points to Brett and tells Bill all about her and how he knows her. Jake went up to Brett and he said hello and asked her how her trip was. She told him that it was very long and she is very happy to be home again. Jake asks if she wanted to go get drinks with himself and Bill. She agrees to get drinks, but she eventually had to leave to meet Mike. Jake and Bill stay and have another drink. After their drink together Jake decided that they should go out to dinner. They go to a restaurant that is packed with many American tourists. Later, they meet Brett and Mike at a cafe. Mike is drunk and continually mentions how beautiful Brett is. After about an hour, Mike wants to return to their hotel. Jake and Bill decide to attend a boxing match as an excuse to leave the two of them alone. Chapter 9 opens the next morning, when Jake receives a wire from Robert asking to meet Bill and Jake when they decide to go fishing in Spain. Jake makes the arrangements with Robert and Bill. That evening Jake finds Brett and Mike at a bar together. The two of them ask if they may join him in Spain as well. Jake politely responses that they may join him on the trip to Spain. Then when Mike leaves to go and get a haircut, Brett asks if Robert will be going to Spain as well. When Jake tells her that he is going on the trip also, she wonders if it will be too rough on Robert. Brett then questions if she and Mike should go on the trip now that she know Robert is going. Jake then confused at why it would be difficult on Robert if she goes on the trip. Then Brett reveals that she was with Robert in San Sebastian. Jake then yells at Brett exchanging words with her that led to her writing a letter to Robert letting him know that she is also attending the trip. To their surprise, when Robert receives Brett's note, he still wants to go, and now even more excited. Jake then makes plans to meet Mike and Brett in Pamplona. Bill and Jake board a train from Paris to Bayonne, where they plan to meet Robert at. When getting on the train, Jake notices that the train is overrun with people whom Jake identifies as Catholics. After a long and painful train ride, they arrive in Bayonne, where Robert is waiting excitingly at the station all alone.

Chapters 8 & 9 Personal Comments

In chapters 8 and 9, I feel that they skipped over very important parts of the book, that I would have personal put more detail in. I think that Jake should have ran into Brett a little bit less coincidental or ironic. Seeing that Jake was talking to Bill about Brett and then she showed up in a cab. I think that in chapter 8 it made Jake feel alone and that he had no friends that really cared for him. Though in chapter 9, I feel that Bill, Brett, Mike, and Robert all decide to go to Spain with him to use the opportunity to see each other and not to see Jake. I feel bad for Jake because he seems lonely and used. I felt that these two chapters rushed and skipped over a lot of good information. Overall I did like reading the chapters, but they were not my favorite of the book.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Sun Also Rises (Chapter 6 & 7)

Chapter 6 & 7 Summaries

Chapter 6 starts out with the evening when Jake and Robert had gotten into a verbally fight. Jake that whole day had thought about Brett and how much he just wanted to go see her and just talk to her. So later that evening Jake had went to meet Brett were the two of them had decided to meet that day, but she stood him up. After looking for her in a few places he could possible think she would be at, Jake wanders through the streets of Paris and runs into his very good friend Harvey Stone. Harvey is a compulsive gambler, but he denies that he has a problem. Harvey tells Jake that he is broke and that he has not eaten in a couple of days maybe even a week. So Jake of course feeling bad for his good friend Harvey, gives him some money. Then Jake and Harvey go for a walk together talking and catching up with each other. the two of them happen to come across Robert who is waiting to meet with Frances. Harvey then insults Robert, calling him a moron, before leaving to eat. Harvey and Robert start saying stuff about each other and just about when they are going to fight with each other Frances arrives. She asks to speak to Jake privately and tells him that Robert has refused to marry her and that she fears that no man will marry her now because she has lost all of her beauty. Jake does not comment on the action because he does not want to take a side with Frances over Robert or a side with Robert over Frances. So he tries to remain neutral, but Frances says that she will not receive alimony from her husband because she got divorced in the quickest way; adding to her woes. Frances then trying to remain bright and cheery she suggests that they rejoin Robert. When they return, Frances tells Jake that Robert has paid her two hundred pounds to go to England, but that she had to force it out of him. She also tells Jake in front of Robert that Robert won't marry her because he wants to tell people that he once had a wife. Robert does not reply and listens to what Frances has to say. Jake then excuses himself and leaves Robert and Frances alone to discuss their problems together. Then Chapter 7 begins with Jake returning home from his dinner with Frances and Robert. Right when he returns home, Brett and Count Mippipopolous show up at his doorstep. Jake opens the door and sees Brett and asks her why she had missed their appointment. She tells him that she had forgot about it because she was really drunk. Then Brett offers to send the Count away so they can be alone, but Jake tells her not to, but she can send him to go and get champagne for them.Jake then asks why they cannot live together, and she tells him that she would only make him unhappy by cheating on him all of the time. She then announces that she is going to leave Paris and go to San Sebastian, in Spain, because it will be better for the both of them if they are not together. Then after a long silent pause the Count returns with the champagne, and he begins to describe his philosophy of life. He tells Jake that he has been in seven wars and four revolutions and by doing so he has lived for a very long period of time. Because he has lived so long, he tells Jake that he is able to enjoy everything to the fullest. The Counts philosophy is that the secret to living is to get to know the right values. He tells Jake that he is always in love because his values include love. The three of them have a pleasant dinner before going out to a club. The count asks why Brett and Jake do not get married, and they tell him a fake story of why they should not. Brett then starts to feel miserable and wants to leave the club.So Jake accompanies Brett out of the club and all the way to her hotel. Jake asks her if he could go up to her room and take a peak of her place, but she does not want him to come up to her room. However, she lets him proceed to her room. When inside of the room, Jake kisses Brett several times before she pushes him away and tells him to leave.

Chapters 6 & 7 Personal Comments

Reading chapters 6 and 7 were very interesting to me because I thought that Hemingway went into a lot of detail. In chapter 6 I felt that Jake should not have went back to find Brett. She had hurt his heart once and I think that he is just waiting for her to break it. I also felt that Robert was very rude not to ask Frances to marry him because he does not want to travel with her. I also feel that Frances thinks that she can get whatever she likes and Robert for the first time did not give in. In Chapter 7 I felt that it was so rude that Brett ditches Jake for their evening appointment and then decides to act like nothing was wrong and show up at his house wanting to go out. I thought that Brett should not have led Jake on, bringing him all the way up to her hotel room and then not wanting to be with him. Overall I think that Brett is a flirt, Frances is spoiled, Robert is a jerk, and Jack is lonely. I enjoined these chapters and i believe that Hemingway does a great job of showing two sides of all his characters.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Sun Also Rises (Chapter 4 & 5)

Chapters 4 & 5 Summaries

At the beginning of chapter 4, Jake and Brett are in a taxi together talking about how miserable Brett is. As they ride through the streets of Paris, Jake feels bad for Brett and wishes that he could do something for her that will make her feel better. So after a minute or to passes, Jake kisses Brett, hoping that it will make her feel better, but instead she pulls away from him. Brett tells Jake that she loves him, but she cannot have a romantic relationship with him because Jake cannot have sex. Jake upset with her, tells her that it is fine, but Brett feels that it is fate that she is now feeling the pain that she had given to many guys before. As they head to a cafe to drink, Brett asks Jake to kiss her once more before they arrive. He does so and thus both of them feel a major attraction of the kiss pulling them together. At the cafe, Jake and Brett again run into their friends. A man called Zizi introduces them to Count Mippipopolous, a Greek man who takes an immediate interest in Brett. After their drink Jake and Brett feel the need to call it a night. Brett tells Jake to make an appointment to meet with her the next day, and Jake leaves to return home for the night. When he arrives home, Jake takes his mail form the concierge, and goes to his bedroom. When he gets into bed, he begins to think about his wound and what it might be like not to have it. Then he remembers how he received it, flying a mission in Italy. He then remembers a certain colonel who visited him in the hospital and said that he had given a lot more than his life. Then Jake gets upset and supposes that he would have never had any trouble if he had never met Brett. He then begins to cry, all alone he lays down in his bed and cries himself to sleep. After about four in the morning, Brett wakes him up by knocking on his front door totally drunk. Jake lets her up to his room, and Brett reports that the count offered her ten thousand dollars to go to Biarritz, on the southern coast of France, with him, but she turned him down. She tells Jake that she wants him to go out with them, but he declines. He tries to persuade her to stay, kissing her, but she refuses. Chapter 5 then opens the next morning with Robert meeting Jake at his office to go and have lunch with him. Robert then asks Jake about Brett, and Jake tells him that she is a drunk and that she is going to marry another man named Mike Campbell. Jake tells Robert that Mike is a Scotsman who will be rich someday and he also says that Brett's true love died of dysentery during the war. Jake explains that he met Brett while she worked as a Volunteer Aid Detachment in the hospital where he was taken for his injury. Robert then got very annoyed that Jake did not describe Brett in not one good way. Jake tells Robert to go to hell. Robert then got very angry at the insult and threatens to leave lunch. Jake apologizes and persuades Robert to stay. Afterward, Jake could tell that Robert wishes to talk about Brett but avoids bringing up the subject again.

Chapter 4 & 5 Personal Comments

I enjoined reading these two chapters very much because I think that they show Jake being very emotional and caring. In Chapter 4 I love the part when Jake and Brett kiss, but realize that they cannot be romantically tied together because of Jake's disabilities. I like that part of the chapter because I think that Brett pushing Jake away from her is good because he was less heartbroken when he found out about Mike. I also thought that it was very upsetting for Jake to cry himself to sleep. In Chapter 5 I thought that it was very rude of Robert to come into Jake's office and get into a fight with him about the way Brett treated Jake. In these two chapters I felt that I was in the book and I was witnessing everything happen. I could not book the book down during these two chapters and I loved every word of them.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Sun Also Rises (Chapters 2 & 3)

Chapter 2 & 3 Summaries

In the beginning of chapter 2 Robert travels to New York to find a publisher for his novel. While being in New York Robert gains new confidence. The publishers that Robert find love his novel, and believe that it will be a great hit and maybe even a best seller. Also while being in New York several women are friendly with him. Upon returning to Paris, he went to Jake's office to persuade him to travel to South America with him. Jake responding no, Robert offers to pay for the entire trip for the both of them. Robert also tells Jake that he does not feel that he is living life to the fullest and this trip will be a step to help him live his life to the fullest. Jake responds that nobody ever lives their life all the way up except bull-fighters. Robert then keeps on harassing Jake to go on the trip to South America with him. Jake, being tired of Robert begging him, he invites Robert to the downstairs of his office to have a drink. Jake realizes that once Robert finishes a drink it would be a lot easier to get rid of Robert and the crazy idea of the both of them going to South America. At the bar, Robert does not give up and continues to harass Jake about traveling outside of Paris. Robert then complains that he is tired of Paris and the Latin Quarter and wants to see other places. Jake realizes that Robert is just running away from his fears and is just jumping from place to place. Jack tells Robert that he has to face his problems and cannot runaway from them. After their drink, Jake tells Robert that he needs to return to the office to work. Robert then asks if he can sit outside in the waiting room. Jake tells Robert that he can sit outside in the waiting room while he finishes his work. When Jake finished the rest of his work he and Robert went and had another drink together. Chapter 3 begins with Jake staying in the cafe that he and Robert were at. He sits in his seat looking around at the many people in the cafe and outside of the cafe. Then all of a sudden Jake spots a lady that stands out. Her name is Georgette and she sells her body for money (Prostitution). Jake confronts her and offers her a drink. She excepts the drink and Jake then decides that it would be very nice to have company for dinner. The two of them get a cab and while in the cab Georgette offers herself at Jake,but Jake refuses her, telling her that he is sick. At dinner Jake explains that he received a wound in the war that makes such sexual dalliances impossible for him. Georgette socked, changes the subject by talking about how disgusting the war was and how dirty it was, but Jake does not respond. Jake, in no mood to talk or think about the war escapes from the conversation when a group of his friends come up to the table. He could pull out his best friend Robert and Frances among them. The group of friends all ate at a nearby table with Jake and Georgette joining them. After their dinner the group of people invite Jake and Georgette to go dancing with them. Jake not refusing applies yes. Once arriving at a crowded club, Georgette leaves Jake and dances with a group of guys. Then a lady named Brett Ashley arrives at the club, she strolled into the club with a very big crowd of young men with jerseys on. In Jake's eyes Brett had lit up the room. After getting the courage to go up to her, Robert asks Jake and Brett to join him for a drink. Robert also becomes immediately infatuated with her, and he tries unsuccessfully to persuade her to dance with him. Though to Jake's offer she replies yes to him. After only dancing half of the song with Jake, Brett asks him to leave the club with her. After seeing that Georgette did not care to be with him, Jake decides that he will leave the club with Brett. Before he goes, Jake leaves fifty francs with the club owner, telling him to give it to Georgette if she asks for him. Once she and Jake get into a taxi, Brett declares that she is miserable.

Chapter 2 & 3 Personal Comments

I think that the second and third chapters were not as good as the first chapter. I believe that it was a lot slower and dragged on. To be perfectly honest I did not like these two chapters. I feel that in chapter 2 talked about the way Robert felt more then the way Jake felt towards the South America trip. I think that Hemingway should have made this chapter show that Jake is a lot more independent then Robert and I do not think that that came across. In chapter 3 I did not like that Jake went out with a prostitute, I think that he is a better person and to me this chapter showed that Jake was wanting something that he could not have. Though one part that I did like is when Brett walks into the club and Jake admires her beauty. I think that it shows that Jake really does care about women. Overall the chapters to me felt dry and slow, but they did apply me with some more ideas of what the characters are really like.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Sun Also Rises (Chapter 1)

Chapter 1 Summary

In the novel I am reading, The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway, the book begins with the character Robert Cohn. He was once the middleweight boxing champion of Princeton college, but the only reason he boxed was to release his anger that was inside of him do to the hardships he had faced being a Jewish minority. Directly after college Robert had gotten married, to a women he did not love very much and he could tell that she did not love him to much either. Robert and his wife had three children during the five years of being together. After Robert had lost most of his parents wealthy inheritance, his wife had decided to leave him. After Robert's divorce, he decided to move to California. There, he began spending time writing in a magazine that he had purchased with the rest of his parents inheritance. While in California, Robert became involved with a manipulative women named Frances. After only being in California for a short period of time, Robert's magazine failed. Since there was no reason for the both of them to stay in California, Frances persuaded Robert to take her to Paris to join the postwar crowd of expatriates. While being in Paris, Robert made very few friends. Though one of his close friends that he made is the narrator of the book, Jake Barnes, who Robert plays tennis with while being in Paris. Also while being in Paris, Robert takes up writing again and finishes a novel. During Robert's stay in Paris he realized a drastic change in Frances. He could tell that she had lost her beauty and by doing so her attitude toward him had changed from being manipulation to fierce determination to make him marry her. Robert's friend Jake ( The Narrator) realized Frances attitude towards Robert one night at dinner with the two of them. Robert then suggested that he and Jake take a weekend trip away, just the two of them. Jake suggested that they go to Strasbourg, in northeastern France, because he knows a girl there who can show them around. Right then, Robert kicked Jake several times to give him the hint not to talk about seeing other girls in front of Frances, and because he did so Robert had to decline the offer.

Chapter 1 Personal Comments

I believe that in this first chapter of the book, Robert feels alone and used by women especially Frances and his first wife. I think that Robert is afraid of change and that is why he did not want to break up with his wife. I also believe that Robert should not have been so upfront with his parents wealthy inheritance because it drew a hole in his pocket. Opening a magazine I believe had caused Frances to be attracted to him and I think losing the magazine had caused Frances to be more controlling and demanding of there trip to Paris. Making his new friend Jake, Robert I feel has become more independent and wanting to see and discover new things and places. Thus explaining why Robert asked Jake to go on a trip with him. I believe that the first chapter of my book is very detailed, confusing, and filled with many characters, but I most definitely enjoined reading it.