Friday, October 17, 2008

The Sun Also Rises (Chapter 1)

Chapter 1 Summary

In the novel I am reading, The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway, the book begins with the character Robert Cohn. He was once the middleweight boxing champion of Princeton college, but the only reason he boxed was to release his anger that was inside of him do to the hardships he had faced being a Jewish minority. Directly after college Robert had gotten married, to a women he did not love very much and he could tell that she did not love him to much either. Robert and his wife had three children during the five years of being together. After Robert had lost most of his parents wealthy inheritance, his wife had decided to leave him. After Robert's divorce, he decided to move to California. There, he began spending time writing in a magazine that he had purchased with the rest of his parents inheritance. While in California, Robert became involved with a manipulative women named Frances. After only being in California for a short period of time, Robert's magazine failed. Since there was no reason for the both of them to stay in California, Frances persuaded Robert to take her to Paris to join the postwar crowd of expatriates. While being in Paris, Robert made very few friends. Though one of his close friends that he made is the narrator of the book, Jake Barnes, who Robert plays tennis with while being in Paris. Also while being in Paris, Robert takes up writing again and finishes a novel. During Robert's stay in Paris he realized a drastic change in Frances. He could tell that she had lost her beauty and by doing so her attitude toward him had changed from being manipulation to fierce determination to make him marry her. Robert's friend Jake ( The Narrator) realized Frances attitude towards Robert one night at dinner with the two of them. Robert then suggested that he and Jake take a weekend trip away, just the two of them. Jake suggested that they go to Strasbourg, in northeastern France, because he knows a girl there who can show them around. Right then, Robert kicked Jake several times to give him the hint not to talk about seeing other girls in front of Frances, and because he did so Robert had to decline the offer.

Chapter 1 Personal Comments

I believe that in this first chapter of the book, Robert feels alone and used by women especially Frances and his first wife. I think that Robert is afraid of change and that is why he did not want to break up with his wife. I also believe that Robert should not have been so upfront with his parents wealthy inheritance because it drew a hole in his pocket. Opening a magazine I believe had caused Frances to be attracted to him and I think losing the magazine had caused Frances to be more controlling and demanding of there trip to Paris. Making his new friend Jake, Robert I feel has become more independent and wanting to see and discover new things and places. Thus explaining why Robert asked Jake to go on a trip with him. I believe that the first chapter of my book is very detailed, confusing, and filled with many characters, but I most definitely enjoined reading it.

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